I can’t believe how fast things are moving in artificial intelligence (AI) space (where no one can hear you scream). As one example, I just saw a video of a high school student called Benjamin Choi who built a prosthetic arm that he can control with his mind using AI.
As reported by Read More → "Zero-Code Smart Camera and Robot Controller"
I’ve been following alternative and persistent memory technologies for 40 years. Back in the 1980s, all we had for semiconductor memory was SRAM, DRAM, EPROM, and {non-Flash) EEPROM. During the late 1980s, when I first transitioned from working as an engineer to an editor for an electronics publication, I wrote about nascent, low-capacity, persistent memories offered by two companies located in Colorado Springs: ferroelectric memory (FRAM) made … Read More → "Want to know the future of new memories (MRAM, FRAM, PCM)? Tom Coughlin and Jim Handy make predictions"
Believe it or not, I have been known to waffle just a tad before getting to the point. So, suppose we flip things round. What would you say if I told you I was just introduced to AC-to-DC and DC-to-DC converters that dispense with things like bridge rectifiers, electrolytic capacitors, and inductors, and replace everything with small, cost-effective solid-state equivalents?
Now that I … Read More → "Disrupting AC-DC and DC-DC Power Delivery from Data Centers to the Edge"
My podcast guest this week is Alex Iuorio from Avnet. Alex and I discuss Avnet’s recent Insights Survey including the motivation to create this survey, the skills needed to incorporate AI capabilities into our designs, and the AI related engineering concerns garnered from this survey. Also this week, I explore how mushrooms and coffee grounds can be used as 3D printing material and could be used as a … Read More → "The Next Steps Forward: How AI is Shaping Electronic Design"
As one gets older, one becomes ever more set in one’s ways, and one increasingly uses words like one to refer to oneself. One manifestation of this is that I often find myself responding to things with “canned” replies, as if flying on conversational autopilot mode.
Take, for example, when someone says, “So, that’s the … Read More → "We Haven’t Got a Plan, So Nothing Can Go Wrong!"